Biblical Stories

“He told me all that I ever did.”

Allow me to take you back some 2,000 years ago. Jesus on His way to Galilee stops by a town in Samaria called Sychar. Any Jew or Samaritan living back then knew that Jews and Samaritans were not friends, actually, there was quite a bit of hostility between them. So here was Jesus, resting from His travels by a well in Samaria.

Then comes a woman who is known to have had five husbands and is currently living with a man who is not her husband. I’d like you to wear Middle Eastern, 2,000-year-old glasses for a moment. This woman probably lived with a very heavy sense of shame to the extent that she went out to the well close to noon, while it was very hot, probably to avoid meeting people who would give her “the looks” that she did everything to try to avoid.