
In awe…

The more I see the horrendous evil humans are capable of, the more I stand in awe before the miraculous transformation that Christ creates in the human heart who acknowledges its desperate wickedness. Rather than succumbing to overwhelming evil, may we be captivated by divine awe!


Why is shaping so hard?

Ever prayed that God would shape you? Ever wondered why it has to be so hard?

Let’s think about it. Imagine two pieces of clay; one will be made into a standard shaped vessel, we’ll name it Vessel A, and another into a very intricate vessel, and we’ll name it Vessel B. Which would take more shaping?

Certainly Vessel B.

If for a moment, we hypothetically imagined that those vessels could feel pain. Which would feel more pain during the shaping process? Vessel A or B?

Yes, Vessel B.