
Our Longing for Identity

Who am I?

What makes me me?

Am I valuable? If so, what is it about me that gives me value?

These are the types of questions we ask early on in our lives and spend virtually the rest of our lives trying to answer. What makes our search for identity so difficult? Are we looking in the wrong places? Where are we looking? Allow me to suggest the four most common places we go to in our hunt for identity: beauty, ingenuity, activity, and prosperity.


Happily Ever After

Our 9-year old daughter usually starts her birthday countdown a month in advance and we hear her escalating excitement for 30 days until she reaches the climax on her special day.

But no matter how much she has enjoyed her special day, she’s a little down at the end of it. She doesn’t want the day that she’s been waiting for for a year, and anxiously counting down towards for a month, to just end! She wishes it could go on forever.

Don’t we too wish that certain days of the year could go on forever? What’s the ending line of any classic fairytale?