Biblical Stories

We fed the 5,000

Most of us are familiar with the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000. But allow me to zoom in to the young boy with the five loaves and two fish.

Jesus could have easily prayed for food from heaven. He is the same God who fed the Israelites manna from heaven for years. But He didn’t do that.

Instead He chose to involve a young boy in His orchestration of a miracle. Here was a boy with his lunch who was probably hanging out close enough to Jesus and the disciples that the disciples noticed he had food. Imagine a crowd of 5,000 men, their wives, and children, so we’re talking about at least 15,000 individuals! How did the disciples spot this boy among a crowd of this size? Could this little boy have stayed close because he was especially curious about this Jesus that all the adults were talking about? I wonder.


What’s that in your hand?

During Moses’ long discussion with the Lord, trying to convince Him that he is not fit for the job that God saw he was fit for, God asks Moses this seemingly strange question: What is that in your hand, Moses?

He asked the disciples how many fish and loaves of bread the little boy had to feed the 5,000.

He asked David how many stones he had to fight Goliath. And many many more examples…

And He is asking you and me: What is that in your hand? Let’s not underestimate what the Almighty God can do with the little we feel we have. Let’s give our all to Him and believing, let’s get ready to amazed!