Why do we sometimes think and rethink and then rethink again daily trivial decisions? We don’t want to fail.
Why don’t we want to fail? You’d think that’s common sense. Why would anyone want to fail?
But let’s dig a bit deeper. What’s the first thing we think of when we fail? It usually isn’t the mistake itself as much as it is people’s perception of us after the failure, especially if it’s people whose opinion of us matters… people we’re trying to impress.
The search for identity is one of the “big questions” that we all face sometime in our lives.
But unfortunately we tend to look for the answer in all the wrong places. We long to belong, we long for someone or something that can satisfy our deep longing for identity. Some try academia and degrees. Others try work. Some try material possessions and wealth. Others try relationships and popularity. Some even try ministry. All to satisfy their innate desire to belong.
What if God created us for something so much greater? What if CS Lewis was right when he wrote, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world?”
My friends, let us seek to discover who we are by returning to our Creator. God has granted you and me our only accurate ID card. He actually paid an eternal price for it. Only an eternal God can satisfy our eternal souls.
Only by knowing Him, can we discover our invaluable uniqueness and matchless individuality. Don’t settle for anything less!
During Moses’ long discussion with the Lord, trying to convince Him that he is not fit for the job that God saw he was fit for, God asks Moses this seemingly strange question: What is that in your hand, Moses?
He asked the disciples how many fish and loaves of bread the little boy had to feed the 5,000.
He asked David how many stones he had to fight Goliath. And many many more examples…
And He is asking you and me: What is that in your hand? Let’s not underestimate what the Almighty God can do with the little we feel we have. Let’s give our all to Him and believing, let’s get ready to amazed!
“And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, they begged him to leave their region.” – Matthew 8:34
Whenever Jesus entered a place, He never left it in the same condition. Some welcomed the dramatic change and others preferred to maintain the “status quo”… to remain in their comfort zones.
Do we allow Jesus to turn our lives right side up? Or would we rather remain in our comfort zones? Change is costly but totally worth it in the end!
Lord, help us welcome you and never choose comfort over deep transformation that changes us from who we are to who You are!
The older we get, the more we realize how limited time is. Tell a child that you’ll get them something next year and they’ll feel like it’s a century away. Tell an adult and they’ll feel like it’s pretty soon because time flies 🙂 What about our eternal Father?
How does He perceive time? If a few years of difference between an adult and a child change our perception so much, then I can only wonder how our ETERNAL Father perceives time! The past, present, and future are all clear before His eyes on a single continuum.
What seems like a very long time to us may be just a few moments to Him. Trust His timings. He’s in control. Don’t worry.
The Lord has been impressing upon my heart repeatedly the truth that He is the Rock and I feel compelled to share a few thoughts.
If He is the Rock, then why build our lives on the sands of circumstances, other people, money, fame, emotions, ego, etc..? The shifting sands around us are endless. The loud voices that each seem to want to pull us in different directions can be unbearable. Our own pride and seeking the accolades of men tugs at us. Fluctuating emotions can give us quite the roller coaster ride! Even our desire to self-actualize, to feel effective and fulfilled in our jobs, clouds our vision of what is eternally important. Our children and trying so hard to literally do everything for them, could turn them into “trophy children” rather than on route to their part in God’s grand story.
Yet in the midst of all of life’s craziness, He calls us to “be still and know that I AM God.” He has not called us to some external refuge. He Himself has become our Rock of refuge against the fiercest of storms. For with a single word He orders the storms to be still.
Dear friends, let us stop looking for refuge elsewhere. Let us stop depending on shifting sands that could kill us, but rather firmly hold on to our only Rock of refuge in these turbulent times in which we live. Let us be like the wise man who built his house upon the Rock.
Time is short. Carpe Diem, Coram Deo (Seize the day in the presence of the Lord).
مستغرب من الأم اللي بتقتل ولادها وترميهم في اكياس قمامة في الشارع؟
مستغرب من الأب اللي بيقتل ولاده؟
مستغرب من اللي بيدهس واحد أو واحده بالعربيه ويجري؟
مستغرب من البنت اللي بتستدرج خطيبها علشان والدها يقتله ويدفنه في شقة؟
متستغربش. دي النتيجة الطبيعية لفقدان الإنسان لإنسانيته. طيب ايه الحل؟ في أمل؟
ربنا جاوب على السؤال ده من اكثر من ألفين سنه.. ربنا شاف كم الشر واللا إنسانية اللي احنا وصلنا له وجاء وصار بشرًا وحل بيننا.. علشان يرد لينا إنسانيتنا في صورتها الأصلية قبل التشوه والقبح وفقدانها لكل ملامحها
يسوع المسيح صار بشرًا علشان لما نمشي في خطاه ينفع نكون بشر من تاني
But my challenge to you and me is this: Is our faith in God’s sovereignty evident in our daily thoughts and worries? If we truly believed in His ultimate control of every detail of our lives, would we worry as we do? Would we overthink as we do? Would we have sleepless nights trying to figure out all the details?
If someone from the outside were to observe our lives, would they see God’s sovereignty in action? Are we doing a good job being ambassadors for Christ?
Do you realize that God has placed the responsibility of showing the world who He really is, on our shoulders?