
The Root of Thankfulness

Thankfulness is about being content. And contentment is about going against the tide of materialism, consumerism, egotism, and many other “isms” of the age!

But if we are just the product of random, purposeless forces and will just cease to exist when we die, then why not be egotistic, consumeristic, and materialistic? Why be content? Why be thankful? Why not just “eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die?” (Luke 12:19, 1Cor. 15:32)

Thankfulness is rooted fundamentally in a worldview that does not revolve around oneself. A worldview that does not focus on the temporal but on the eternal. A worldview that teaches giving before receiving. A worldview that teaches serving rather than being served. A worldview that teaches such ironies as loving ones enemies, blessing those who curse us, and praying for those who abuse us. A worldview that seems to go against our egocentric nature.

I know of no other person who exemplified this better than Jesus Christ and I know of no other worldview that adheres to this better than Christianity.

And for Him I am eternally thankful.

4 replies on “The Root of Thankfulness”

So inspired by words of grace , want to follow up continuously this treasure and keys of spiritual life , thanks

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