
What’s on His Mind?

What if God had a social media platform that we can refresh several times a day (I’ll just say several and not a hundred like we do with our social media platforms!) to know “what’s on His mind”?

Wouldn’t that be great?

But let’s think about that for a moment. Why would it be great? Well it’s probably a lot easier than us trying to figure out what’s on His mind.

But what would be the down side of God very clearly revealing Himself via a social media platform? One thing most people around the world agree on is that social media promises more connections, but leads to shallower relationships. Why? Because it’s too easy. All I need to do is refresh my newsfeed with a touch to get instant updates from friends around the world. No effort is needed. Imagine a husband and wife whose relationship is limited to social media interactions. I doubt they’ll stay together for long. Why? Because it’s too easy.

True relationships are never easy. True relationships require time and effort to truly get to know the other person. True relationships require us to be transparent and vulnerable, revealing our weaknesses and requiring change. True relationships require sacrifice.

Why are we willing to do all that with friends and spouses, yet seem to think that our relationship with our Creator should be a lot “easier?” How can knowing the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and all the other omnis there are be easier than knowing our limited fellow humans?

I think the real problem lies in our avoidance of pain and effort at all costs. We’ve been conditioned to want things quick and easy, with a single click.

The God of the universe became like one of us, He went to the cross and died a physically excruciating and emotionally humiliating death, to restore His grand design for intimacy and fellowship with man that we foolishly ruined at the Fall.

If He paid such an enormous price for relationship, do we still want it to be as easy as a touch on a screen?

My friends, let us awake from our slumber (Romans13:11) and make use of every moment (Eph. 5:16). Let us study His Word deeply, asking His Holy Spirit to explain the Scriptures and when we do, like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, our “eyes will be opened” and our hearts will “burn within us” and we will experience pleasure like no other!

It is there that God will reveal His “status” and it will be glorious!

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