
Who am I?

The search for identity is one of the “big questions” that we all face sometime in our lives. 

But unfortunately we tend to look for the answer in all the wrong places. We long to belong, we long for someone or something that can satisfy our deep longing for identity. Some try academia and degrees. Others try work. Some try material possessions and wealth. Others try relationships and popularity. Some even try ministry. All to satisfy their innate desire to belong. 

What if God created us for something so much greater? What if CS Lewis was right when he wrote, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world?”

My friends, let us seek to discover who we are by returning to our Creator. God has granted you and me our only accurate ID card. He actually paid an eternal price for it. Only an eternal God can satisfy our eternal souls. 

Only by knowing Him, can we discover our invaluable uniqueness and matchless individuality. Don’t settle for anything less!